Armstrong Genealogy

My Family Details

William(1) and Jane Armstrong first show on IGI records (Batch Number: 8530530, Sheet: 67, Source Call No.: 1396124 Type: Film) along with their son John Armstrong.

John Armstrong was christened in what is now St. Mary's Church in Ardess just outside of Kesh, Magheraculmoney, Fermanagh, Ireland on August 7, 1768. This information has been confirmed by a third party whom has seen the scanned microfiche from the church and transcribed it into a database.

John(1) Armstrong married Isabella ??? and had Christopher(1) Armstrong. There is no record on file at St. Mary's Church for the marriage of John to Isabella therefore it is suspected that she is from another parish.

Christopher(1) Armstrong was baptised in St. Mary's Church on August 14, 1781. The townsland listed by John(1) Armstrong is "Corlaught". There are an East and a West Corlaught on record. It is believed that they reside in East Corlaught which is approximately 4km SE of Lackey.

Christopher(1) Armstrong married Anne Marshall in St. Mary's Church. They had 4 children in Fermanagh with addresses recorded in the Church records of Drumadraghy and Kilsmullen. A 5th child was born in Canada after their immigration in 1834 to the Ontario region according to the 1842 Census.

    1. Thomas(1) Armstrong
    2. Robert(1) Armstrong
    3. William(2) (Willie) Armstrong
    4. Christopher(2) Armstrong
    5. Catherine(1) Armstrong

At this time it is unknown the ship's name that they came to Canada on. According to a document provided by a grandson of Christopher(1); James E. Armstrong, the voyage took 3 months and was on a "sailed" vessel (presumably a Brig or Barq).

Christopher(1) Armstrong and family settled in Kinburn, Ontario which is now part of Ottawa, Ontario. the area is described in "Beyond our Memory...a history of Fitzroy Township" as a dense swamp one mile east of Kinburn and was 400 acres. On one of the concessions which was 1/2 a mile from Kinburn, Christopher(1) constructed a tavern. The tavern was dubbed the "Swamp Tavern" due to it's location in a swampy corner of the concession. Many travellers partook in spirits as this was the only public house between Bytown (Ottawa), Ontario and Armprior, Ontario.

Christopher(1) donated 2 acres of the 570 acres that he accumulated by 1842 for the construction of an Anglican church. The church was never constructed there, the property was sold and the proceeds allotted to construction of the St. John's Church in Antrim.

Following this, Christopher(1) and his neighbours constructed a log schoolhouse and a log house for the teacher on a 2 acre parcel provided by the tavernkeeper. The school became know as the "No. 5 School Section" and took in students from 6 miles in any direction. In 1863, the school averaged 41 students.

Christopher(1) and Ann Armstrong are buried in the Huntley Cemetary, Ontario. The actual headstone can be seen below:


"In Memory of Christopher Armstrong Sr. - Born Co. Fermanagh Ireland - Died April 19, 1857 - Aged 78 yrs - Also His Wife - Ann Marchel - Died - July 17, 1861 - Aged 76 yrs"

Thomas(1) Armstrong was born abt. 1816 and there are no baptismal records at St. Mary's Church in Fermanagh. Thomas(1) married Mary(1) Davis and had 5 sons and 3 daughters on 1/2 lot 9. Thomas and Mary Armstrong are buried in the Anglican Cemetary, Pakenham, Ontario.

    1. Ann Armstrong
    2. Mary(2) Jane Armstong
    3. Robert(2) Armstrong
    4. Catherine(2) Armstrong
    5. Thomas(2) Armstrong
    6. James(1) Edward Armstrong
    7. Christopher(3) Hugh Armstrong
    8. William(3) John Armstrong

Robert(1) Armstrong married Jane(2) Harris on April 22, 1852. Robert was baptised on June 8, 1822 at the St. Mary's Church, Fermanagh, Ireland. They had 4 sons and 1 daughter.

    1. Thomas(3) Harris Armstrong
    2. James(2) Armstrong
    3. Christopher(4) Robert Armstrong
    4. William(4) Henry Armstrong
    5. Annie Elizabeth Armstrong

Christopher(2) Armstrong married Johanna Edey and had 8 sons and 4 daughters. Christopher(2) was baptised on January 21, 1828 in the St. Mary's Church, Fermanagh, Ireland. Christopher(2) moved to Powassan, Ontario to establish a lumber business. The lumber business was sold to his son Richard Armstrong and he retired to Chisholm, Saskatchewan.

    1. Mary (3) Armstrong
    2. Christopher(5) Armstrong (aka Christie)
    3. Robert(3) Armstrong
    4. Sarah Ann Armstrong
    5. William(5) Armstrong
    6. Infant Son Armstrong
    7. Eliza Jane Armstrong
    8. John(2) Armstrong
    9. Thomas(4) Edward Armstrong
    10. Fanny Armstrong
    11. Richard George Armstrong
    12. James(3) Henry Armstrong

William(2) Armstrong (aka Willie) was reportedly swept overboard on the voyage to Canada in 1834. He was baptised in St. Mary's Church, Fermanagh, Ireland on July 6th, 1834.

Catherine(1) Armstrong was the first Canadian born child of Christopher(1) and Ann Armstrong. She married James(1) Mills in 1855 whom was the first postmaster of Kinburn, Ontario and at one time was also the proprietor of the Swamp Tavern. Together they had 7 sons and 2 daughters.

    1. John Mills
    2. Christopher Columbus Mills
    3. William Mills
    4. James(2) Mills
    5. Thomas Mills
    6. Arthur Wellington Mills
    7. Dufferin Hamilton Mills
    8. Sarah Anne Mills
    9. Jane Mills

From this point forward, the Armstrongs that immigrated to Canada have branched into numerous branches. At this time, it is best for you to reference the Family Tree document.


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